Pads Of Paw

12 Tips For First Time Puppy Owners

Are you going to be a First Time Puppy Owner? Bringing a puppy home is one of the best moments in our lives. Puppy comes with great responsibilities. Sometimes, we get stressed after bringing the puppy home. In the first couple of days, we feel like we are not well-suited for the puppy or fail to bond with the puppy. Remember one thing, the puppy you have bring in house has separated from it’s mother and siblings. And your home and family members are completely new to the puppy. So, It will take time to get used to with the puppy and same thing goes for your puppy. In the meantime, there are 12 tips I want to provide you for making your puppy-parenting journey smooth and for removing any misconception.

Tips 1: Don’t Feed Human Foods

Humans and Dogs metabolism system is different. Feeding human foods to dogs have some potential health issues ranging from mild digestive upset to severe toxicity or even death in some cases.

Always keep in mind that human foods are made for only humans and dogs foods are made for dogs only. 

However, there are some human foods that I feed to my puppies without having any issues are:

  • Blueberry
  • Guava 
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Potatoes 
  • Apples
  • Mango
  • Watermelon 
  • Green Beans
  • Boiled Chicken

And some human foods shouldn’t be feed and has potential health risks are: 

  • Grapes and Raisins  
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy Products 
  • Avocado
  • Xylitol
  • Bones 
  • High-fat foods
  • Onions and Garlic 
  • Alcohol 

Therefore, the first tips for a first time puppy owner is to avoid any potential health issues, you shouldn’t feed these foods to your puppy.

Dog eating snacks

Tips 2: Know the Food Habit from Breeder 

When we bring our puppy home, sometimes we observe that, the food we are trying to feed our puppy is not working or the puppy is not interested in the food. 

Because, puppies have food habits. You have to give the exact same food to your puppy that the puppy is used to with for preventing the issue. Else, your puppy will face some health issues like, loose motion, upset stomach.

Thus, contact with the breeder, know which foods he was feeding the puppy and if possible know the brand of food too. Feed these foods for first couple of weeks then move on to the foods you like but the process should be adaptable to the puppy.

Tips 3: Don’t Leave Puppy Alone at Home

Puppies are very unpredictable. They require supervision all the time. Also, they have small bladders with high energy level. So, they need bathroom breaks too often, almost in every two hours.

In addition, puppies are the champion in chewing, they chew everything they get in touch. So, any potential danger may wait for the puppy. 

How Long can you leave a puppy alone?

According to American Kennel Club, you should not left a 6 months old puppy alone for more than 6 hours. 

Therefore, the 3rd tips for a first time puppy owner is don’t leave your puppy alone at the home for longer periods. Despite having important works, you should ensure your puppy’s safe surrounding.   

Puppies in dog parks

Tips 4: Don’t visit Dog Parks

This is one of the Harmful things you do to your dog without realizing. 

Dog parks are full with different dog breeds. Remember, Puppies and dog parks don’t mix at all. There are large dogs to small dogs and aggressive dogs to calmer dogs. Generally, Adult and Senior dogs will try to play with your puppy but they may hurt your puppy unwillingly and can cause bone breaking or serious injuries. 

Dog parks are very unpredictable, anything and everything can happen, and for puppies it is completely unsafe. Every dog carries some diseases, and your puppy can get infected from them. Your puppy may not cope with these dieses. 

In addition, in dog parks some owners yells and show mean beahviour to your puppy. Some dogs always fighting, barking and growling with each others. And after experiencing these situations, your puppy may form some aggression in future. 

Therefore, the 4th tips for a first time puppy owner is you shouldn’t visit dog parks with your puppy and even for the adult dogs it’s not safe to visit dog parks.   

Tips 5: Leave Snacks and Toys in your Puppy’s Bed

Puppies will chew everything and anything. They also chew their bed and can eat the bed too. Which can lead to loose motion.

Therefore, the 5th tips for a first time puppy owner is you should leave some chewable toys and snacks before leaving them in bed. These toys and snacks will prevent chewing the bed. 

Tips 6: Establish a Routine 

Dogs always follow their internal time and routine to do things. Always make sure that you are giving the food, exercise, walking around or playing time in the same time. Make a daily routine for it. 

Routine is one of the environmental factors that shape dog behaviours. With well-managed routine make a puppy relaxed, secure and less anxious. Without maintaining a routine, your puppy may feel less secure and may get aggressive over time.

Tips 7: Use the Right Collars

Collar play a significant role for your puppy. Choosing the wrong collar can lead to problems like discomfort, breathing problems and potential neck injury. 

Use collars that fits well (not too tight or not too loose) and comfortable when your puppy wears it. When choosing collars you should consider your puppy’s breed, temperament, size, and training needs. 

Therefore, the 7th tips for a first time puppy owner isI would recommend to use Harness over collars for puppies, because a harness distribute the pressure more evenly than a collar, reducing the chance of nech injury. 

Long-haired Chihuahua as Watchdogs.

Tips 8: Start Training from the First Day 

Start training your puppy from the first day is highly recommended, it is highly  beneficial for bot puppy and owner for strong bonding and helps the puppy to adopt the new surroundings and situations.

Make sure you are providing basic command like “Sit”, “Stop”, “Stay”, “Come”. These commands will help you to control the puppy. 

Positive Reinforcement Training

My recommendation is, use positive reinforcement training to encourage your puppy for repeated actions. Positive reinforcement training is effective and builds a trusting relationship based on mutual respect and cooperation.

My Training Method

I trained all my puppies by myself. While training I followed some basic structure and routine.

Firstly, I train them the basic commands. Then, I train them in the same time of the day regularly. I ask them to perform the same sets of commands at first and reward and praise them after compilation, and then if I need to train new commands or tricks, I start training. I make sure that the process is comfortable and enjoyable for my puppy. Puppies may get bothered and frustrated easily. So, I never train a puppy for longer period of time. 

Tips 9: Children’s and Puppies 

Childrens get excited when the see a puppy. You have to go through with breed characteristics first, because breeds like Chihuahuas are not completely playable with Childrens and shows aggressive and mean behaviour. In contrast breeds like Golden Mountain Doodle are very friendly towards childrens. 

But there are some advantages and disadvantages too. 


  1. Puppies can help childrens to learn how to take responsibilities and teaching them empathy.
  1. Playing with puppy outdoor will help childrens health and well-being.
  1. Puppies emotioal and unconditional love can make childrens cope up with stress, anxiety and loneliness.


  1. There is a potential safety risk for both children and puppy. Puppy can injur children unknowingly through rough play or biting. And, sometimes childrens can hurt puppy without realising.
  1. Puppies can show behaviours like Jumping, nipping, barking and growling, which can frightening your children.

Therefore, the 9th tips for a first time puppy owner is Make sure extra care, supervision and careful consideration while a children and puppy are playing together.

Tips 10: Puppy-proof Home

Puppies are the worlds best chewers. They will chew anything and everything they get in reach. Because they don’t have hand, they experience with their mouth. 

However, puppies are unaware of potential risks of chewing. Sometimes, they chew electrical cords, phone charging cords and remote controls which are dangerous for them.

They will chew your shoes, socks, toxic plants, chemicals, medications and household cleaners, which will lead to potential health issues like upset stomach or loose motion. 

One thing to remember, you don’t have to stop puppy chewing, you have to shift the chewing wrong thing to the things that can chewable such as Bully Sticks, Rubber Kong toys , or Rope toys. 

Therefore, you have to keep every harmful things away from your puppy’s reach. 

Adult Dog Pros

Tips 11: Socialize Your Puppy

You should start socialize your puppy as early as you can. Puppies need to socialize between 3 weeks and 14 weeks of old. 

Socialization has the crucial effect on puppy’s behaviour. Without socialization your puppy may feel anxious, less secure and shy around strangers and other dogs. Sometimes, they grow with aggressive and mean behaviour due to not socialization, for that they bark and growl at every unknow strangers. 

Puppies that are exposed with different sounds, stranges, other pets, different situations are often grow confident and well-adjusted adults. Socialized puppies greet strangers and plays with other dogs without any problems.

Therefore, you should socialize your puppy in his early age. However, if your puppy is not comfortable around people, don’t force him. He will get used to after couple days or so.

Tips 12: Provide Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation 

Regular exercise and Mental Stimulation are two most significant components for dogs well being and overall health.

Physical Exercise

Regular physical exercise will make help your puppy to maintain healthy weight, strengthens muscles, and improves cardiovascular health. That reduces the risk of obesity, heart diseases and other health problems. Physical activities releases endorphins. That help to reduce stress, anxiety and boredem.

You can give physical exercise through Ball games, Short Walks, Puppy Classes, or swimming.

Mental Stimulation 

Mental Stimulation is required for preventing boredem in dogs and enhances mood, leading to a more happier and contented puppy.

You can give Mental Stimulation through Puzzles, Cuddling or training.

Therefore, to reduce stress, anxiety and boredem and making your puppy playful, you should provide them Mental Stimulation and Physical Exercise daily in a routine. 

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