Pads Of Paw

5 Things Puppy Owners Should Never Do And Tips.

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. But the excitement can turn into a nightmare if you fail to provide proper care, guidance, and training. This article will inform you of 5 Things Puppy Owners Should Never Do.

Thing 1: Not Supervise Puppy in Night 

You have to accept one thing: As a puppy owner, there is hardly any chance that you will get proper sleep. Puppies repeat a process, they play, and they take naps. 

You shouldn’t stop supervising your beloved puppy during the night. There are some reasons for doing so. 

Bathroom Breaks

Puppies have small bladders and a higher metabolism. That means they will require frequent bathroom breaks. They cannot hold the bladder for 2 hours before they are 14 weeks old. So, you have to supervise them at night when going outside or to the desired place for the bathroom. It will ensure the perfect potty training.

Comfort and Security

Puppies may feel anxious and scared in the middle of the night when their surroundings are dark and quiet. You must supervise your puppy to be present when they feel scared. 

Health Monitoring

Monitor your puppy’s health at night to observe breathing, behavior, and any signs of distress or discomfort. This will allow you to identify any potential health issues or discomfort your puppy is experiencing.  Also, puppies require frequent feeding. So, you need to provide food and water at night.

Learn: How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food and Water?

So, don’t stop supervising your puppy at night; anything can happen if it is not mature enough to handle itself. 

Tip: Use a Pet Camera or Baby Monitor. 

Thing 2: Allowing Puppy in Human Bed

Don’t allow your puppy to sleep with you in your bed, even if on the first night you bring them. Because 

Establishing Boundaries

Allowing your puppy in your bed may confuse your puppy about whether he will sleep in his bed or with you. Slowly, it will turn into a habit for your puppy. Also, it will affect establishing authority. Your puppy may think he is equal to you in the house and may break his boundaries.

Safety Risks

There are safety risks while your puppy sleeps with you. It might roll over and fall from the bed, causing injury. Or, you can hurt him while moving unconsciously during sleep. 


Accidents in bed can be unpleasant for you. As we mentioned earlier, puppies cannot hold their bladder for 2 hours. Thus, there might be an accident if you don’t realize it. 

Therefore, you should not allow your beloved puppy in a human bed. Let them sleep in his bed, and you supervise from your bed is the ideal scenario.

Thing 3: Not Maintaining a Routine 

Puppis have internal clock in their brain and they always try to do things in the same time everyday. If you can’t maintain a routine for your puppy, it will effect on his mental well-being and overall behavior. 

Here are some potential consequences:

Stress and Anxiety 

When you puppy will not get food, exercise, and play time timely he will get anxious and stressful. Your puppy may become unsure about everything, leading to frequent barking, destructive chewing, and even aggression.

Behavioral Issues

Without maintaining a routine, your puppy may become unruly, disobedient, or exhibit signs of separation anxiety. It may lead toward behaviors such as Hyperactivity.

Explore: 10 Techniques to Calm a Dog Down from Hyperactive Behavior.

Housebreaking Problems 

For successful potty training and household breaking, establishing a routine plays a significant role. Without maintaining the potty routine, your dog may do accidents in house leading frustrations for both you and your puppy.

Bonding and Trust

Maintaining routine provide the chance the puppy to predict and stability, which helps strengthen the bond between puppy owner and puppy. Without maintaining routine the bond may get weaker and leading lack of trust and potential behavioral issues.

Thing 4: Visiting Dog Parks

Visiting dog parks with your tiny little puppy is one of the harmful things you do without realizing. 

Dog parks consist of different kinds of dogs. These all dogs are different from each other and each of the dog’s contain some unique traits. Some are aggressive and some are playful. 

Generally, most of the adult and senior dogs will remain playful with your puppy. However, Puppies and Dog parks don’t mix. There are some reasons why puppy owners shouldn’t bring your puppy to dog parks. Are   

  1. Adult dogs can hurt or injure your puppy unknowingly while playing.
  1. Dogs parks consist of different dogs, and some dogs carries different diseases. So, your puppy may infected from them.
  1. In dog parks, there will be some dogs who will fight, and some owners may yell at your puppy, which can lead to potential behavioral issues like aggression and meanness to other dogs and strangers.

For these three reasons, I strongly advise against taking your beloved innocent puppy to dog parks. It is not safe.

Thing 5: Physical Punishment and Yelling

We often get angry and bothered when training our puppy, and sometimes, we use physical punishment and yell. Physical punishment and yelling never solve problems; it just exacerbates the issue. These are not recommended for training or disciplining a puppy for several reasons:

Fear and Anxiety

Physical punishment and yelling will make your puppy fearful, anxious and confused, leading to potential behavioral issues such as aggression. They will also exacerbate the current situation.

Damage to trust and Bonding

Puppies form strong bonds with their owners. Physical punishment can undermine this bond and break the trust between the owner and the puppy. 

Potential Injury

Physical punishment can injure your puppy, ranging from bruises and cuts to more severe injuries. 

Alternatives of Physical Punishments and Yelling

Positive Reinforcement Training

Whenever your puppy follows a command or behaves well, Puppy Owners should use positive reinforcements such as praise them with a treat and verbal praise. It will encourage your puppy to obey commands repeatedly and show good behavior.

Redirecting Attention

If your puppy is doing anything wrong or chewing harmful things, Puppy Owners can simply redirect its chewing with chewable toys or appropriate activity. 

Consistency and Clear Communication

Be consistent with your commands. Use the exact clear cues to communicate what behavior is desired. It will remove confusion or frustration. 

A Simple Tip: You should train your dog with Dog Talking Buttons to remove the communication gap between you and your furry friend.

Seek a Professional Trainer

If you can’t train your dog or it is showing stubborn behavior, like Golden Mountain Doodles or dominant behavior, like Chihuahuas, seeking a professional trainer will help you out in this situation. 


In conclusion, for a happy and smooth puppy parenting journey, you should never make these five mistakes. These mistakes have a long-term impact. Being careful about your actions and behaviors will make your trip more fluent and easy. Never do things that will cause you regret in the future. I wish you all the best for your incredible journey. 

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