Pads Of Paw

13 Signs You’re Not Ready for a Dog And Tips

If you’re considering adopting a dog as your companion, it will be the most astonishing chapter of your life. However, significant responsibilities come with a dog. There are many reasons for adopting a dog and many signs that you should consider before adopting a dog. Here, I will describe 13 signs that tell you are not ready for a dog. Read and understand carefully and make your decision solid. Let’s dive in.

Sign 1: You Like Puppies for Their Cuteness 

Puppies are the cutest, but their cuteness fades when responsibilities come. Some people around us adopt puppies for their cuteness and affectionate nature. They forget that for the puppy’s well-being, they need to invest their time and money, and most importantly, they have to share the maximum time of the day with that one. 

Remember, the smaller the creature, the cutest it is, from human babies to Puppies to Cubs. They are all cute, but they require great attention and love. 

If you are planning to get a puppy for its cuteness, it might get worse after several months. And then, you can’t deny your responsibilities because puppies leave their parents to light up your home. So, this is the first sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 2: Your Family Don’t Like Dogs

Every family has their own opinions and perspectives. Some families like Dogs, and some don’t. Dogs are not like toys you bring home and throw whenever you want. You have to be their companion for years till they live. 

Dogs require love, care, and attention from every member of your family. If anyone yells or behaves roughly at them, it might be frustrating for your furry friend and can cause mental trauma, which can lead to aggressive and mean behavior later on in life. Also, it will be harder to manage your dog’s health if your family doesn’t like dogs. 

Therefore, discuss with your family whether they are ready to take on the responsibilities of your dog with the support you want. So, this is the second sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 3: You are Not Financially Stable

Dogs require various expenses, such as food, veterinarian care, toys, grooming, and other accessories. 

It’s not a one-time investment. You have to pay approximately $100 to several dollars a month. The cost can vary depending on the breed. And you have to invest this amount in a lifetime. For a low-cost dog you can choose Long-haired Chihuahuas.

Thus, If you don’t have a stable financial condition, you shouldn’t consider adopting a dog. So, this is the third sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 4: Unaware of  Unpredictable Situations 

Dogs are unpredictable. They can hurt themselves while playing in the dog park. They can get sick anytime.

These things are dire, and we need to take emergency action while these things happen. You always have to be ready for every possible case. So, this is the fourth sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 5: You are Allergic to Dogs

One of the common problems in humans is that they are allergic to dogs. 

If you are allergic to dogs, that doesn’t mean you can’t adopt a dog. You need to find a hypoallergenic dog.

However, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, but some dog breeds, such as Golden Mountain Doodles, produce less dander and allergens in the environment. So, this is the fifth sign that you are not ready for a dog.

 Sign 6: You are Not Ready for a Long-Term Commitment 

Adopting a dog means a companionship of at least 15 years. Sometimes, it can rise to 20 years for some breeds like Shiloh Shepherds

So, If you are thinking about a short-term companion, then dogs are not for you. You need to promise companionship to your furry friend for at least 15 years, no matter how things happen in the future. So, this is the sixth sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 7: You are a Busy Person

Dogs are social animals. They want to spend their whole day with their beloved owner. 

However, most adult dogs can stay alone for at least 8 hours. But puppies and senior dogs can’t and shouldn’t because they require extra attention and care.  So, this is the Seventh sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 8: Your Apartment or House has Less Space

Most of the dogs such as Shiloh Shepherds or Golden Mountain Doodles require much space to move and play comfortably. If the space is not much, it can be uncomfortable for your dog, leading to laziness. 

However, some small dog breeds can live with less space. So, if your apartment or house has less, go for small breeds. So, this is the eighth sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 9: You are Expecting a Baby

Dogs and Babies require the same time, care, and love for their well-being. 

It seems easy to handle both a Baby and a Dog, but it is not that easy in real life. Dogs are prone to health issues and can get hurt anytime, and some unpredictable situations can arise. The same goes for a human baby. 

Also, some Dogs may show aggressive and biting traits, so it is highly advisable not to adopt dogs while you are expecting a baby. So, this is the 9th sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 10: You are Adopting Dog for your Children’s Demand

One of the worst decisions is to adopt a dog based on your children’s demands. 

Children’s minds change over time. You shouldn’t adopt a dog if you are not interested in dogs. It will be entirely your responsibility to care for the dog, not your children’s.  So, this is the 10th sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Woman and Dog with Bicycle

Sign 11: You are a Traveler 

It is difficult to travel with a dog. And when it comes to regular travelling, it might not be suitable.

However, large dog breeds are a problem when it comes to travelling by public transportation or airplanes. But you can choose a small dog breed such as Chihuahuas that can be perfect for your match.

Hence, if you are a traveler, you should consider specific dog breeds’ traits and their adaptability. So, this is the 11th sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 12: You’re Late Riser

Dogs typically wake up early in the morning and won’t allow you to sleep peacefully. They will bark continuously until you wake up.

Therefore, if you are a late riser and don’t want to change your lifestyle, you may suffer with a dog. So, this is the 12th sign that you are not ready for a dog.

Sign 13: Ignoring Breed Characteristics 

You may fall in love with a breed, but make sure you know enough about the characteristics of that breed. 

You should know these things –

  • Grooming Requirements.
  • Shedding and Hypoallergenic. 
  • Are they aggressive or mean?
  • Their behaviour with kids.
  • Trainability.
  • Their exercise requirements.
  • Their common health problems.
  • Temperament.

After analyzing these facts, you should decide whether the traits match your requirements.  


In conclusion, if you have these signs on you, you should not get a dog now. After fixing these problems, you can again pay for a dog. But ma again, sure, once you get a dog, you will never abandon it. 

I wish you the best of luck in your canine journey. Trust me or not, one of the fantastic parts of your life is waiting.

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