Pads Of Paw

Can Dogs Eat Limes? Are Limes Safe For Dogs?

We dog owners are so sensitive when feeding our dogs new foods. When it comes to feeding human foods, it always creates a dilemma whether it will be safe for dogs. Today, I will discuss the most confusing question, “Can Dogs Eat Limes? Are Limes Safe For Dogs?”. The short answer is “Limes are Not Recommended at All.” To learn more about this, I hope you will go through the following three sections: health benefits, health risks, and some considerations. Let’s dive deep.

Health Benefits of Feeding Limes to Dogs 

There are no essential benefits associated with dogs. However, there are two benefits that your dog may receive. However, there are better benefits when choosing Limes. 

1. Vitamin C 

Limes are a pure source of vitamin C, and this works as an antioxidant, too. This means that vitamin C will protect your dog’s skin from damage by free radicals. Vitamin C is also helpful for dogs’ immune systems. Breeds like Golden Mountain Doodles or Long-haired Chihuahuas who are more prone to health issues can benefit from Limes. Also, in cases where the body’s vitamin C requirements should be increased instantly, you may feed Limes to your dog. It helps a lot.

2. Dietary Fiber 

Limes contain dietary fibres to support your dog’s digestion and regular bowel movements. Dietary fibre gives dogs a feeling of fullness. If your dog faces issues like overweight or calorie management, you can choose Limes as an occasional treat. 

Health Issues of Feeding Limes to Dogs 

Tons of health risks are associated with Limes. Let’s explore them, and I will share some of my life experiences with you.

1. High Acidity 

Limes are highly acidic content. Therefore, if you feed your dog limes, sometimes even in small portions, there is a high chance that your dog will suffer from stomach irritation such as stomach pain or irritation. Sometimes, the Limes can cause Digestive problems, too.  

2. Toxicity From Psoralens

Limes contain a substance called Psoralens. Your dog may suffer from a Gastrointestinal Upset, Neurological Effects, and Liver Damage. 

From my experience, my cousin’s Shiloh Shepherd once accidentally ate Limes. He ate a bite-sized piece, but six hours later, he vomited, which was really unusual. From that day, my cousin never kept limes in open places where his dog could reach them. 

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Upset: Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Abdominal pain.

3. Photosensitivity 

Though rare, it may happen that your dog will get more sensitive to sunlight due to the presence of Psoralens in Limes. It results in Skin Irritation and redness. Therefore, if you have a dog that needs to stay outdoors for exercise for a more extended period, you shouldn’t consider feeding Limes. However, it depends from dog to dog because every dog’s genetics differ. But, I suggest not to feed Limes. 

4. Oral Irritation 

As Limes are too acidic, your dog may suffer from excessive salivation because your dog’s body will try to neutralize the acid. 

How to Safely Feed Limes to Dogs

If you still want to feed Limes to your dog after going through the previous two sections, here are some considerations and rules you should follow to get the best results and avoid any serious issues.

1. Feed Limes in Tiny Portion 

Limes should be fed in tiny portions to avoid any potential risks. It would help if you fed a flesh of limes. But don’t feed the seeds, as they may cause Choking Hazards, too. 

2. Provide Plenty of Water

As we mentioned earlier, your dog may suffer from excessive salivation. To avoid risks, you should provide plenty of water after feeding Limes. Water also can protect from unknown toxicity. 

3. Monitor Your Dog

You should monitor your dog after feeding Limes. Look for unusual issues or sudden discomfort. If you see any problems after feeding limes, consult your veterinarian and stop feeding Limes for life.

4. Seek For Veterinarian 

The best you can do as an owner is to consult with your vet or any vet, where you can get more personalized advice based on your dog’s age, health status, energy level, and everything else that counts. 

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Though your dog will receive some benefits, Limes are full of health risks. So, I don’t recommend feeding Limes to your dogs. But, yes, you can feed limes once a month if you wish. Pads Of Paw team wishes you all the best and happy parenting.

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