Pads Of Paw

How Long Can You Leave a Dog Home Alone? Puppy Adult Senior

The common confusion we all dog owners face is, “How long can We Leave a Dog Home Alone?” 

Sometimes, we need to leave our furry friend home alone, so we must know the approximate amount of time we can leave our canine companion home alone. Because, Leaving a dog home alone is a environmental factor that shapes dogs behavior. So, let’s dive into the article and find the answer.

Understanding Your Dog’s Needs

Dogs are social animals. They require their human companion to lead a life without any anxiety. So, before leaving your dog alone, you must know your dog’s needs. Some dogs require more attention, like Chihuahuas, and some don’t need that much attention. While you leave your dog alone, he will require food, water, exercise, mental stimulation, and exercise based on his daily needs. So, it’s important to understand your dog’s needs. 

Factors Impacting Alone Time

Some factors impact how long you can leave a dog home alone: the dog’s age, energy level, breed, health, temperament, and past experiences. 

For example, Breeds like the Golden Mountain Doodles are highly energetic. They may become restless if left alone for a long time. And, some breeds such as Shiloh Shepherd, cannot be left alone at home because they get anxious and boredom quite fast as compared to other breeds.

On the other hand, puppies require frequent potty breaks and socialization compared to adult ones. 

While leaving your dog alone, they can suffer from separation anxiety and may show some destructive behavior such as hyperactivity while alone. 

How Long Can You Leave a Dog Home Alone?


Puppies should not be left alone for a long time, but short periods should not cause harm. Because they have small bladders and high energy levels, puppies require frequent bathroom breaks and supervision. So, leaving puppies alone is one of the things puppy owners shouldn’t do. Also, they may get some naughty ideas.

According to the American Kennel Club

  • Under 10 weeks: 1 Hour
  • Under 6 Months: 6 Hours 

But before leaving your puppy alone, you have to understand its feelings and adaptability. You should also train your puppy to stay alone. 

For instance, I remain busy most of the day, so when I had to give my Golden Mountain Doodle puppy training to be alone despite having other furry friends with him.

I started training by leaving him for 10 minutes with his favorite toys. Day by day, I increased the time to make him comfortable with the situation. So that’s how you can train your puppy to stay alone. 

Adult Dogs

Adult dogs can be left alone for longer periods. However, they require food, water, exercise, and mental stimulation based on their specific dog breed needs.

Adult Dogs can be left alone for 6 to 8 hours, depending on their breed, age, energy level, and temperament. 

Senior Dogs

Senior Dogs may require more attention for their health issues and mobility limitations. 

Aim for no more than 4 hours at a time. For additional support, you can hire a pet sitter or dog walker.

Are you a Working Professional?

Suppose you work for a long time and have the same busy schedule every day. You can consider a dog sitter, dog walker, or dog daycare for your dog.

Tips for Leaving Your Dog Home Alone

To avoid anxiousness and boredom dog, there are some steps that you can take to ensure your dog’s well-being. Owners should follow these tips for their dog’s well-being.

Provide Mental Stimulation  

Provide mental stimulation through attractive toys, puzzles or food-dispensing toys to keep your dog mentally busy and prevent monotony. 

Ensure Safe Surrounding 

Ensure that every harmful things that can harm your beloved dog is kept away from your dog’s reach. 

Electrical cords, household chemicals and human foods that are toxic to dogs should be out of your dog’s reach.

Leave enough supplies 

Dogs will require food and water while they are alone. So, ensure your dog can drink water and enough food while you are away. 

Dog’s Day Care

If you stay away for more than eight hours daily, you should consider a dog’s daycare facility. Dog’s daycare will provide your furry friend enough companionship with exercise requirements, socialization and games or puzzles they require to keep away from the separation anxiety.


It is a common problem for all dog owners. Proper planning and careful consideration can help your dog to stay alone without any harm.

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