Pads Of Paw

Shiloh Shepherd Dog – 11 Interesting Facts and Tips

Dog lovers and owners around the globe are showing their interest in Shiloh Shepherd dogs because of their majestic appearance and gentle demeanour. 

Are you interested in Shiloh Shepherd but in a dilemma because you have some questions in mind? No problem. In this blog, I will answer all the facts that you need to know to solidify your decision. Let’s dive deep.

Fact 1: Shiloh Shepherd’s Adaptability 

According to DogTime, Shiloh Shepherds typically weigh between 80 and 130 Pounds and stand 24 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder.

Shiloh shepherds are a large breed, similar to Golden Mountain Doodles. They require a lot of space in the house to live and move comfortably, and they are suited for owners of homes with backyards.

Can Shiloh Shepherd live in an apartment?

No, Shiloh Shepherds are larger breeds and require much space to live comfortably. Apartments with less space or even much space may not suit Shiloh Shepherds. This will eventually make the dog bored and anxious, leading to hyperactive behaviors.  

Can Shiloh Shepherd undergo Cold Temperatures? 

Shiloh Shepherds have thick double coats, so they can easily withstand Cold temperatures. They are not vulnerable to cold temperatures like Chihuahuas; even they enjoy the snow, and they become more playful and joyful in the freezing temperatures. 

Can Shiloh Shepherd undergo Hot Temperatures?

Shiloh Shepards are sensitive to hot weather because of their thick double coat, which provides insulation against cold temperatures but can cause overheating in hot temperatures. 

Therefore, owners have to provide Shiloh Shepherd plenty of fresh water and should avoid strenuous exercises during the hottest day. 

Fact 2: Shiloh Shepherd’s Intelligence 

Shiloh Shepherds are a fiercely intelligent and small breed. They can play different roles, depending on their owner’s needs. They can work as guard dogs, rescue dogs, family dogs and much more. However, Shiloh Shepherds require much mental stimulation to prevent anxiety and boredom and to stay smart. 

Fact 3: Shiloh Shepherd Trainability

Shiloh shepherds’ intelligence is so easy to train that owners can quickly train them and teach them new tricks. They can also master Dog Talking Buttons and can learn up to 100 words for their intelligence. However, early training is essential to ensure they remain well-behaved. Here are some reasons why Shiloh Shepherds are considered as easy to train dogs:

Shilohs Training

Reason 1: Quick Learners

Shiloh Shepherds are quick learners. This means they will catch every command and trick very easily and can master them quickly compared to other breeds. Their capability to understand and respond to training makes them capable of various training methods.

Reason 2: Bond with Owners 

Shiloh Shepherds tend to have strong bonds with their owners. They want to please their owners, so they follow and work according to their instructions, making it easy to train dog breeds.

Reason 3: Motivated to Positive Reinforcements

Shiloh Shepherds are motivated by positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise and traits. This makes them eager to learn new commands and tricks.

These three qualities make Shiloh Shepherd an easy-to-train dog compared to other dogs. However, owners should start training them from a young age to establish a solid foundation for a well-mannered dog.


Shiloh Shepherds are not typically easy to train. Environmental factors shape dog behaviors, and they can show stubbornness to some training commands. So, you have to be prepared to face their stubbornness. But they are trainable despite showing stubborn behavior. You just have to give more effort and time to the specific command that they show stubbornness to. 

Fact 4: Shouldn’t Leave Home Alone

We often hear that larger breeds are capable of living alone for 8 hours. But for Shiloh Shepherds, it is a completely different case. Owners shouldn’t leave their furry friends alone in the home. 

So, owners should leave their Shiloh Shepherd with at least one family member. Because if they are alone, they can form some destructive behaviors like hyperactivity and aggressiveness due to boredom and loneliness.

What things should you do before leaving Shiloh Shepherd Alone at Home? 

1. Provide Enough Mental Stimulation before leaving alone. Owners can provide Mental Stimulation through attractive toys, puzzles or food dispensing.

2. Ensure that harmful things are kept away from dogs’ reach, such as electrical cables and wires, human foods that are toxic to dogs, and Chemicals.

3. Provide enough food and water because they may get dehydrated. 

4. If you are leaving for a long time without any family members with your Shiloh Shepard, you can consider Doggy’s Daycare. There, your furry friend will get enough exercise and companionship. 

Fact 5: High Exercise Needs

Shiloh Shepherds are among the larger breeds, and they require extensive exercise to stay healthy and prevent boredom. The amount of exercise depends on age, energy level, and health issues. I have some advice: Don’t go to dog parks for your dog’s exercise, especially if you own a puppy. 

However, there are some generalized guidelines for exercise needs according to age.

Shiloh Shepherd Puppies 

Puppies have high energy levels, and they want to play all day. For puppies, exercise should be frequent but in short durations because long durations can cause overexertion. 

Exercise: Short Walks and Supervised play with other dogs.

Adult Shiloh Shepherd 

Adults require daily exercise of 60 to 90 minutes. You should provide them with exercises that challenge them physically and mentally to prevent boredom and ensure well-being.

Exercise: Brisk Walks,  Jogging, Hiking, Fetch, Agility Training.

Senior Shiloh Shepherd

Seniors have lower energy levels than adult Shiloh Shepherds. They don’t require much intense exercise, and due to health issues, they are also subject to some age restrictions. 

Exercise: Daily walks, low-impact activities.

Fact 6: Friendly and Social Nature of Shiloh Shepherd 

Shiloh Shepherds are known for their friendly, affectionate, caring and protective nature. They fill their owners with unconditional love and affection, greet strangers with sweet gestures and play with other canine companions. However, Early socialization is essential to reduce the chances of forming unusual behaviors later in life. 

One more thing: you should ensure responsible breeding for Shiloh Shepherds to avoid any behavioral Issues. 

Are Shiloh Shepherds a Family Dog?

Shiloh Shepherds are the perfect family dogs. They will be the dog you have imagined in your dreams, protecting your family when needed and filling your family with their unconventional love. 

Shiloh Shepherds respect all family members. They will cause no harm and don’t bark too much. So, if you live with sound restrictions, Shiloh Shepherds can be the perfect choice for your family.  

Are Shiloh Shepherds children-friendly?

Absolutely! Shiloh Shepherds show friendly and playful behavior with Children. They are unlikely to cause any harm to children and don’t have any biting or growling issues. 

Even if the children behave or play rough with the Shiloh Shepherd, there shouldn’t be any problem because of the Shiloh Shepherd’s maturity and calmness towards Children. This is one of the biggest pros of owning a Shiloh Shepherd Dog.

Are Shiloh Shepherds Good with Strangers?

Shiloh Shepherds wag their tails and greet strangers whenever they meet them. They do not tend to bark or be aggressive towards strangers. However, without proper socialization, they might exhibit odd behaviors toward strangers, such as growling. Thus, owners have to ensure adequate socialization to prevent any kind of disrespectful behavior.

Are Shiloh Shepherds Good with Other Dogs?

Yes, Shiloh Shepherds are naturally playful towards other canine companions. But, it varies from dog to dog. 

Shiloh Shepherds who are exposed to different stimuli, such as sounds, smells and environments and who have proper socialization are not likely to form any issues with other dogs.

Fact 7: Shiloh Shepherds are Not Hypoallergenic

Shiloh Shepherds are not considered hypoallergenic breeds because they have a thick double coat that sheds moderately Year-round. That means they can produce dander, saliva and allergens in the environment, which can cause allergies in people who are allergic to dogs. However, individuals’ reactions may vary.

Managing Allergies with  Shiloh Shepherd

To get rid of Shiloh Shepard’s Dander and allergens, frequent grooming is required. Owners need to brush their coats several times a week to reduce the dander, and bathing regularly with hypoallergenic shampoos can reduce the allergens in Shiloh Shepherd.

Fact 8: Easy to Groom

Shiloh Shepard’s have moderate grooming requirements due to their thick double coat. They are effortless to groom. Even owners can groom them at home; they don’t really need a professional groomer. Let’s discuss the grooming needs more elaborately:

1. Brushing: Brushing is the essential grooming that should be done regularly. I would suggest brushing at least once per day to remove loose hairs, prevent matting, and reduce shedding. 

2. Bathing: Shiloh Shepard’s don’t need frequent bathing. However, if they are dirty or travel more, they will require bathing. Frequent bathing can strip their coat of natural oils. Therefore, bathe them only when they are required. 

3. Nail Clipping: Keep an eye on your Shiloh Shepherds because their nails grow so fast. Long nails can cause discomfort and affect their gait. I prefer to clip my nails once every week. 

4. Dental Care: Dental hygiene is important, and your Shiloh Shepard’s teeth should be brushed regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also give your Shiloh Shepard Dental Chews or toys to maintain oral health. 

5. Ear Cleaning: Regular ear cleaning is essential to prevent ear infections. You should clean their ears with veterinarian-recommended solutions and cotton balls or pads. 

6. Trimming: Trimming is essential to keeping your Shiloh Shepherd neat and clean. You must trim around the ears, paws and backside. If you cannot do it yourself, seek professional help. 

Fact 9: Health Issues 

Like every other dog, Shiloh Shepherds are prone to health issues. Here are two common health issues seen in Shiloh Shepherds:

Hip Dysplasia 

Hip dysplasia in Shiloh Shepherds is a common skeletal condition in which the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to discomfort, lameness, and arthritis over time. It is seen in almost every large breed, such as Golden Mountain Doodles.   

Elbow Dysplasia 

Similar to hip dysplasia, Elbow dysplasia is a developmental condition that affects the elbow joint. It can cause pain, stiffness, and lameness in affected dogs.

Fact 10: Difficult for First-time Owners

Shiloh Shepherds are intelligent, easy to train and adaptable to different living situations, but first-time owners may find them difficult to manage due to their exercise needs, frequent grooming requirements, giant size, training requirements and stubbornness.

However, first-time owners with proper knowledge and preparations can quickly fulfill Shiloh Shepherds Needs. 

Fact 11: Lifespan Of Shiloh Shepherds

According to the Wisdom Panel, Shiloh Shepherds can live between 9 and 13 years, depending on factors such as diet, exercise, grooming, environment and genetics. 

Therefore, Choosing Shiloh Shepherd means owners have to promise and accept a long-term companionship with lots of love, care and affection.