Pads Of Paw

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food and Water?

Humans and Dogs have identical food and water needs. It’s hard to live without food and water. But sometimes, we encounter difficulties when our beloved dog stops eating, drinking, or both. So, we should know how long a dog can go without food and water.

The information below is generalized. Every dog has specific requirements and requires particular concentration based on size, age, energy levels and health situation.

So, let’s dive into the elaborate illustration. 

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food and Water?

Water Requirements

Water is essential for dogs because it regulates body temperature, aids digestion, and functions all the vital organs. Energetic dog breeds like the Chihuahuas, Golden Mountain Doodles and Shiloh Shepherds get dehydrated too quickly. Without having access to fresh, clean water, some issues can arise, such as dehydration and exacerbating current health issues.

Food Requirements  

Dogs can survive much longer without food than water. But it is not ideal to starve your dog for a day or two. Without food, many health issues occur, such as weakness, malnutrition, and organ damage. The duration varies with factors like Size, Age, Health Condition, Energy level, and Food habits. However, it’s best not to leave a dog without food for more than a day to prevent any serious issues. This is one of the things that owners shouldn’t do.

Factors to Consider

There are some factors that have effects on how long a dog will go without food and water. 

Factor 1: Size and Breed

Larger breeds require frequent food and water compared to smaller breeds. 

Factor 2: Age

Puppies and Senior Dogs require more attention in food and water compared to Adult dogs. 

For instance, Puppies require frequent food and water for their rapid growth and fresh mind. On the other hand, Senior Dogs require nutritious food for their well being and also for preventing their health problems.

Factor 3: Health Status 

Dogs who are not fit and have surgery or any major health issues should have specific dietary requirements. Those dogs with health issues should not be starving for too long because it can exacerbate the health problem.

Factor 4: Weather Condition 

Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, will affect a dog’s hydration level. When on a hot day, dog’s require more water than the other days else they may get dehydrated.

Factor 5: Energy Level

Some dog breeds are very energetic, and some are lethargic. Basically, energetic dog breeds like Golden Mountain Doodle and Chihuahua require frequent food and water for their well-being. And lethargic dog breeds can go much longer without food and water.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food and Water?

Puppies Under 6 Months

Puppies require frequent food and water because of their rapid growth. Not providing enough food and fresh water is one of the 5 Things that Puppy Owners Should Never Do.

Food: Puppies typically require 4 feeding times a day. So, puppies cannot go more than a few hours without food.

Water: Puppies are prone to get dehydrated too quickly. They require frequent access to fresh, clean water. So, there shouldn’t be any time that puppies don’t get access to water.

Adult Dogs between 6 Months and 8 Years Old

Adult dogs’ growth stabilized, and they can go more without Food and Water than Puppies and Senior Dogs.

Food: Most Adult dogs typically require 2 feeding times a day. And they can go between 8 and 10 hours without food.

Water: Adult dogs can go between 6 to 8 hours without water. But, it is not recommended as they can get dehydrated and to maintain overall health.

Senior Dogs Over 8 Years Old

Senior dogs usually have health issues and specific dietary requirements. 

Food: Senior Dogs usually feed 2 times a day as adult dogs, but there might be specific diets to follow. So, after considering your dog’s condition, senior dogs can go 6 to 8 hours without food.

Water: Senior Dogs are more prone to health issues like kidney failure and dehydration, and they usually have health issues with specific care requirements. Leaving a senior dog without water can rapidly cause dehydration and exacerbate the existing health issues. So, it’s not recommended to leave a senior dog without water.


In conclusion, we can say that how long a dog can go without food and water depends on its specific requirements, age, energy level, and breed. However, generally, adults can stay too long without food and water, unlike puppies and senior dogs. 

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