Pads Of Paw

Can Dogs Eat Basil? Are Basil Safe For Dogs?

We always look for foods that are healthy and beneficial for our dog’s overall well-being. You may be thinking about Basil. But confused about whether Basil is safe for dogs. Then the short answer is “Yes, Basil is Safe For Dogs”. 

For more detailed answer and explanation, I will discuss Basil’s health benefits and health risks and some considerations to let you decide confidently. 

Health Benefits of Feeding Basil to Dogs

There are tons of health benefits that is associated with Basil. Every owner may fall in love and show eagerness to feed Basil to their dogs for it’s health benefits. So, let’s explore the health benefits of Basil. 

1. Calming Effects 

Are your dog showing hyperactive behavior or anxious or stressed? You have tried every possible thing to calm your dog, but not working, then I will suggest to feed Basil. Because, Basil has mild sedative properties. Which will help your dog to clam from anxiousness or hyperactivity. 

Personally, I feed Basil to my Chihuahuas, Golden Mountain Doodles, and Shiloh Shepherds in the situations of anxiety such as while travelling, thunderstorms or visiting vet. 

2. Helps Digestive Health 

If your dog is suffering from gas and bloating, you can feed Basil. It will help to reduce gas and bloating and eventually fix upset stomach. Sometimes, I try this method, and yes, it works perfectly in mild situations. 

3. Fantastic Source of Vitamin and Minerals

Basil is a fantastic source of some essential vitamins and minerals that help in a dog’s overall health and well-being. Basil contains Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium and Iron. Here are some brief,

Vitamin A: Immune function, Cell and Bone Growth and development, Healthy Skin and Coat.

Vitamin C: Iron Absorption,  Stress Reduction, Immune System,

Joint and Eye Health. 

Vitamin K: Blood Clotting and Bone, Heart, Brain, and Skin Health. 

Calcium: Bone and Teeth Health, Cell Signaling, Blood Pressure Regulation and Enzyme Function. 

4. Antioxidants 

Basil contains some antioxidants properties such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Antioxidants are very helpful for dogs as they contribute to neutralize harmful free radicals. Also, help the body’s immune system. 

Health Risks of Feeding Basil to Dogs

Basil is safe for dogs, yet there are some health risks. These health risks can vary from dog to dog because each dog is different. Some dogs may suffer from these, and some can just easily negotiate these health risks. However, you should know the following potential health risks before feeding Basil. 

1. Digestive Upset 

If you feed too much Basil to your dog at a time, it may cause digestive issues. A question must be arise in you, “Basil solves Digestive issues, but why it also a cause for digestive issues?”. The answer is pretty simple: no matter what food you feed your dog, if you feed it in a larger amount, it will be harmful. So, feed in moderation.  

2. Allergic Reaction

If your dog is allergic to some foods, then there is a tiny chance that, your dog may encounter some allergic reactions after eating Basil. If you notice any of the following signs, stop feeding Basil and seek for veterinarian help. It will reduce the pain of your furry friend. 

Signs: Itching, Swelling, Hives, Difficulty breathing.

3. Interference with Medications

Basil contains some compounds that may interfere with some medications. Also, ff your dog is continuously taking any medications then you should take advice from your vet. It will be much safer option. 

4. Oxalates 

Basil is rich in oxalates. Because of oxalates, you shouldn’t feed your dog too much Basil as it may cause the formation of kidney stones. So, to avoid any kind of risk, you should feed Basil in moderation. 

How to Safely Feed Basil To Dogs 

Keep in mind that, every food should be feed by following some rules to avoid any kind of problems.

1. Feed-in Moderation 

If you read carefully, you should have realised that to avoid Digestive upset and Chance of Keydney stones, Basil should be feed in moderation. 

2. Introduce Gradually

No matter what food you are introducing to your dog, you should introduce gradually to avoid any kind of toxic reactions. It will also give your dog the time to adjust with the food.

3. Source Organic Basil

It is important to source organic Basil to gain every health benefits. Also, ensure that the Basil is well-washed before feeding. 

4. Consult With Your Veterinarian

Consulting with your veterinarian will be the best way to avoid any kind of potential health issues. Also, you will get the personalized advices which will be helpful to take the decision with more confidence. 

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After the detailed discussion, I should say that it is Basil is undoubtedly safe for dogs and offers essential health benefits. But you should follow the advices that I have mentioned. Pads Of Paw team wishes you all the best and happy parenting.

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