Pads Of Paw

Can Dogs Eat French Fries? Are French Fries Safe For Dogs?

We humans love to eat French fries while meeting with our friends and having a good time. However, if you have eaten French Fries in front of your dog, you may notice that your dog also wants to eat them. But Did you feed them? Or, willing to feed French fries? Before feeding, you must know whether feeding French Fries is safe or not. Also, you have to see the health benefits and risks of feeding French fries. However, the short answer is “French Fries are not Quite Safe to feed.” Let’s discuss it in detail.

Health Benefits of Feeding French Fries to Dogs 

Sorry to say but, you have to accept the fact, that is, French Fries don’t offer any health benefits to your dog. However, I can discuss some potential and minor benefits that your dog can receive after eating French Fries.

1. High Energy Content 

French Fries have a high energy content, which means your dog may get instant energy. But, if your dog is facing weight problems, it’s better not to feed French fries. However, if your dog is underweight and needs to gain weight too quickly, you may consider feeding French fries. But trust me, there are tons of high-energy and Healthier foods than French Fries. 

2. French Fries are Good Source of Carbohydrates

Frech fries are made with potatoes, so it is simple to understand that your dog will get carbohydrates from it. But it is totally unhealthy to feed French Fries for getting Carbohydrates, because the way French Fries are made is unhealthy.

Health Risks of Feeding French Fries to Dogs 

There are plenty of health risks associated with French fries. I can guarantee that, if you go through these risks, you will never want to feed your furry friend French Fries. So, read the following.

1. High Fat Content 

French Fries are made with Potatoes fried in oil and some extra seasonings and sauces. Making it a high fat content. Also, your dog may suffer from pancreatitis, which can be life threatening. Also, if your dog has a weight restrictions, you shouldn’t feed French Fries. 

Symptoms: Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, and Lethargy. 

2. Salt Poisoning

French fries are extra salty. Dogs have a minimum sodium requirement, but French Fries are highly salted. For that reason, feeding French fries may cause Sodium ion Poisoning or Salt Poisoning. It can cause fatal health issues.

Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors.

3. Obesity 

In the worst possible cases, your dog may suffer from obesity. If you don’t know, obesity often leads to some dangerous health issues in dogs, such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. Also, in fatal cases, it can decrease the lifespan. 

4. Digestive Issues 

French Fries contains high fat and seasonings and sauces which can lead to digestive issues. Even in small amounts can cause digestive upsets. 

Symptoms: Diarrhea, Vomiting.

5. Choking Hazard

French Fries may cause Choking Hazard to dogs. It also depends on the size of the fry, Small sized French Fry may not cause Choking Hazard. However, Small Breeds such as Long-haired Chihuahuas are more prone to choking hazard. 

How to Safely Feed French Fries to Dogs

If you are still determined to feed french fries to your dogs, then this section for you. Here I will share some tips that you should follow while feeding French Fries to your dogs.

1. Plain and Unseasoned 

Make sure that the French Fries are plained and don’t contain any extra seasonings such as Salts, Sauces. It will reduce the chance of health risks. 

2. Feed in Small Portions 

Even small portions can cause some issues, but yes, if you wish to feed french fries, make sure that you are feeding in a very small amount. That will surely reduce some risks. 

3. Occasional Treat

Though I don’t feed French Fries to my dogs, but if I feed, I will feed French Fries as an occasional treat. Therefore, consider French Fries as an Ocassional Treat and feed in small portions. 

4. Observe after feeding French Fries 

No matter what food you feed for the first time, you should observe after feeding the food. You have to watchout closely to look for any kind of Discomfort or unnatural behavior. If you seen any, contact with your vet and stop feeding French Fries. 

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I never support feeding French Fries to dogs. Because the benefits or advantages your dog may receive from French fries are not worth feeding. Rather Consider French Fries as an Occasional treat. Pads Of Paw team wishes you all the best and happy parenting. 

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