Pads Of Paw

Can Dogs Eat Quinoa? Are Quinoa Safe For Dogs?

Are you looking to feed Quinoa to your dog because it is fantastically healthy for humans? But, confused about whether Quinoa will be safe for your dog. The short answer is, “Yes, Quinoa is safe for dogs“.

Let’s elaborate the answer in three sections such as The Health Benefits, Health Risks, and How to safely feed Quinoa. I hope these three sections will help you to decide more accurately. 

Health Benefits of Feeding Quinoa to Dogs 

Quinoa is extremely healthy for dogs due to its nutritional profile. These will help in your dog’s overall well-being. Let’s explore these four health benefits; maybe you will see the benefits you are looking for. 

1. Good for Digestive Health

Quinoa is a good source of dietary fiber. It is super beneficial to dogs to have a healthy digestion and regular bowel movement. The best part of dietary fiber is that your dogs will feel fuller for longer periods. Therefore, if your dog is facing issues with weight management, you can try Quinoa. 

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Quinoa is rich in essential antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol. These two antioxidants help to protect dog’s cell from damage by the free radicals. These antioxidants also helps to increase the longevity of your dog and awesome to maintain overall well-being. 

3. Help to Boost Energy 

We all look for some complex carbohydrates that will help our dog to remain energetic during the whole day. To fulfill that requirement, Quinoa is an awesome food that you should provide to your dog. Quinoa is a complex carbohydrate. Suppose you don’t know what complex carbohydrates do. The short answer is “Complex Carbohydrates provide a steady release of energy. For that reason, dogs remain active and energetic for a longer period of time”. 

4. High in Essential Nutrients and Complete Protein 

Every dog requires essential nutrients and rich proteins to lead a healthy life and maintaining overall well-being. Quinoa is a full of Essential Nutrients because it contains all 9 essential amino acids. These 9 essential amnio acids make Quinoa an extremely source of Protien for dogs. 

Health Risks of Feeding Quinoa to Dogs 

Though Quinoa is marked safe for dogs, but there are still some Health Risks associated with it. However it varies dog to dogs, because each dogs are different from each other. One dog may suffer from the following health issues, and one dog may lead a healthy life style. 

1. Digestive Issues 

Some dogs may find Quinoa difficult to digest, especially if the dog is not familiar with grain and seeds. However, most of the dogs don’t suffer any digestive issues. Also, if you feed too much Quinoa at a time, your dog may suffer. 

Symptoms: Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Bloating.

2. Kidney Stones 

There is a minor chance that Quinoa will cause Kidney stones in your dog. Quinoa contains oxalates, so if your dog has previous kidney issues, then you shouldn’t feed it without a vet’s recommendations. 

3. Allergies in Dogs 

Every dog’s genetic is different from each other. While some dogs are not allergic to Quinoa som,e dogs develop allergic reactions with Quinoa. But the chance is pretty low. However, you should keep in mind that there might be some allergic reactions to the symptoms mentioned below. 

Symptoms: Itching, Swelling, and Difficulty breathing.

How to Safely Feed Quinoa to Dogs

No matter what food you feed your dog for the first time, you should keep in mind some rules or considerations to avoid any fatal issues. Here are some tips from my side while feeding Quinoa to your dog. 

1. Well-Cooked Quinoa 

Every foods like Quinoa should be cooked thoroughly before feeding to your dog. Also, you should avoid seasonings. Because, any kind of seasonings, salts and addictives are harmful for dogs.

2. Gradually Introduce

You should feed a small amount of Quinoa on the first day. And, if you don’t see any kind of issues,  you can increase the amount gradually. It will help your dog to get used to with the taste of Quinoa and potentially help him to digest without any issues. 

3. Monitor after Feeding Quinoa 

You have to monitor your dog closely after feeding Quinoa. If you see any kind of discomfort or health issues mentioned above, immediately stop feeding Quinoa and seek a veterinarian to minimize the issue. 

4. Consult with  your Veterinarian 

Consulting with your Veterinarian is the best thing you can do because your Veterinarian can give you more personalized information and advice that will work for your dog and potentially minimize every chance of getting sick. 

More Dog Foods You May Think 


After the vast discussion, I can say that, Quinoa is absolutely safe for dogs. But, you have to keep in mind the considerations and advices given in the article to stay in the safer position. Pads Of Paw team wishes you all the best and happy parenting.

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