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Pros And Cons Of Adopting A Chihuahua​

Chihuahuas are known for their toy size and big personality. They are also the most loving and protective, loving you so that no dog will love you. I own two chihuahuas, and I adopted my Second Chihuahua after falling in love with my older Long-haired Chihuahua. Therefore, Describing the Pros and Cons I faced during my adoption of two chihuahuas is easy.

During this time, I discovered both the good and bad things about Chihuahuas. Here, I will discuss the Pros and Cons of adopting a Chihuahua.

Pros of Adopting a Chihuahua

Pros 1: Compact Size of Chihuahua

One of the most obvious advantages of having a Chihuahua is its compact size. According to the American Kennel Club, the Height of a Long-haired Chihuahua is between 5 and 8 inches. That shows they are very tiny but they are adaptable in every living situation such as apartments with less space.

Pros 2: Chihuahua Fiercely Intelligent and Smart 

Chihuahuas are the smartest and most intelligent dog breed I have ever had. They learn quickly and are capable of learning anything and everything if you give them the proper training. Making them a great option for first-time owners.

For instance, when I was training my Chihuahua, I used to tell him to perform the same set of commands one by one. After a few days, he performed every command one by one to get the treats as soon as possible. Also, when I trained him with dog talking buttons, he learnt 8 words in just 3 months.

Explore: How Dog Talking Buttons Work? Benefits, Challenges & Tips.

One of my neighbor’s Chihuahuas has been trained to notice and help with panic attacks. He can alert his owner to get away from crowds. If his owner is having a panic attack, he will crawl up on his owner’s lap and help guide him through his calming methods. If his owner still hasn’t calmed down, he is trained to run for help.

However, to remain intelligent their Chihuahua for their entire life, owners needs to provide enough food fresh water, and other supplements in routine-wise to remove any kind of boredom and anxious feelings.

These two examples can give you a basic idea of how intelligent Chihuahuas are. I enjoy having my Chi by my side. 

Pros 3: Impressive Lifespan of Chihuahua 

Chihuahuas have an impressive lifespan. According to Purina, They live between 12 and 20 years, but on average, they live 16 years despite their health issues. 

This impressive lifespan is beneficial as well as not beneficial for the owners. Let’s break this statement into pieces.

Beneficial: For the loyal owners, who are promised to take all the responsibilities for the long term. And yes, they will get enough time to build a mental connection with the loyal Chihuahua. It is a great advantage of owning a Chihuahua.

Not Beneficial: This is for people who are not ready for a long-term commitment filled with years of companionship and love.

Grooming(Bathing) Long-haired Chihuahua

Pros 4: Chihuahua Easy to Groom

Chihuahuas are easy to groom and keep clean. They don’t require a vet to groom them. Owners can do it easily by themselves, and it takes only a few minutes. Depending on the coat, long-haired Chihuahuas can take longer grooming than short-haired Chihuahuas. 

Short-haired Chihuahuas require Bathing and nail clipping. Chihuahuas’ nails grow so fast. The most important grooming is Bathing. They need bathing once every three months, depending on whether they live inside or outside most of the time. But in every case, they require a maximum of two times bathing every three months. 

There is just one extra thing to do in a Long-haired Chihuahua, and that is Trimming, which owners can also do. Just trim their ears, tails, and backside for the refreshing Long-haired Chihuahua.

Pros 5: Low Exercise Requirements for Chihuahua 

Chihuahuas are one of the tiny and Energetic breeds. Because of their compact size, they don’t require much exercise. 

But they need exercise to stay fit and healthy. A minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of exercise is enough for a Chihuahua. A walk can be perfect for them. 

So, Chihuahuas are recommended for people with little free time to exercise with their dogs.

Pros 6: Chihuahua Apartment Dogs

Chihuahuas are the best option for those who live in an apartment. Also, those who don’t have much space in their home or don’t have a play yard for playing with their Chihuahua. However, they may feel anxious and bored if they are left alone at home for longer periods of time or without outdoor activities.

Chihuahuas only need a little space to burn their energy. Because they are tiny, they can play in very small palaces. They need their owner to be by their side; it makes them happiest. 

Pros 7: Chihuahua Good Watchdogs

Chihuahuas are alert and protective of their owners. That makes them excellent watchdogs. Chihuahuas always want to announce their presence by barking and growling. Despite their compact size, they ensure their owner’s safety over big dogs. However, owners should not consider Chihuahua as their watchdogs. It’s threatening for Chihuahuas.

Explore: 5 Things Owners Should Never Do.

For example, if an unknown person comes to my house, my Chihuahua always stays with me and observes the person carefully. If he thinks the person is shouting at me or approaching me in a way that my Chihuahua thinks is inappropriate, he growls and barks like crazy. Similarly, when we go to the park for a walk, my Chihuahua always barks at the strangers’ dogs and those who are approaching me. 

These qualities eventually make them the best watchdogs despite their tiny size. They can fight with other big dogs, forgetting their size.

Pros 8: Chihuahuas are the Best Travel Companions

Chihuahuas are excellent travel companions. Their small size and adaptability make them well-suited for various kinds of trips. Whether you are traveling by airplane, bus, or car, they can be easily accommodated without any hassle. They are very portable for their small size and can also be carried in women’s purses. They remain calm and joyful during the trip. Also, You don’t have to think about the environment because they can adapt to any situation. They need their owner by their side.

The best part of travelling with Chihuahuas is that they can live in small apartments. This is the best benefit I am getting. When we are out for travel, we cannot guarantee apartments or hotels with much space or even a yard to play in. And while travelling on a bus, train, or airplane, he just sits on my lap and enjoys the trip. It is really enjoyable travelling with Chihuahuas.

So, people who love travelling can get a chihuahua.

Pros 9: Chihuahuas Affectionate Nature

Chihuahuas are known for their affectionate and loyal natures toward their owners. They love their owners and cuddle all day. They make their owners full of joy and happiness and relieve stress. 

For me, Chihuahuas are the best because of their affectionate nature; they will always be with you. They will cuddle, give kisses, and play with me whenever I stay home. When I return from work, He welcomes me in a way no one did. Truly, they are very affectionate.

Cons of Adopting a Chihuahua

There are some bad things alongside the good stuff in Chihuahua. But the cons I will mention here—most of them—can be fixed through proper training. Let’s dive in.

Cons 1: Chihuahuas are One-Person Dog

Chihuahuas tend to develop fierce loyalty and a strong, loving bond with a single person in a family. Although they love all family members, they bond with one lucky family member. 

Socialization training can fix this behavior of Chihuahuas. So, if you start socializing from the young age, your Chihuahua will be a social and well-behaved dog. Socialization is the best way to calm a hyperactive dog.

For Instance: The early days of my Chihuahua were not good for my family. He often barks and growls with my family members even though my family members feed him during my absence. 

They need to socialize from the first day you bring them home, or else They will become One-person dogs for the rest of their life, and you can’t do anything about it.

Aggressive Long-haired Chihuahua

Cons 2: Chihuahuas are Aggressive and Mean

It’s just the nature of chihuahuas. They are extremely protective of their owners, and there is no stopping a Chihuahua from barking at another dog walking by the house, although when they go outside, they don’t mind other dogs. 

Chihuahuas’ aggressive and mean behavior comes from Little Dog Syndrome; the smaller the dog, the meaner it can be. They misunderstood their personalities, and yes, Lack of socialization could also be the reason for their aggressiveness. However, with positive and negative reinforcement training, they can remain well-behaved.

I believe Chihuahuas are very Intelligent. For that reason, they want to be dominant over people and other creatures. Also, there are some environmental factors that shape dogs behavior. You should know these reasons.

Cons 3: Chihuahuas are Extremely Vulnerable to Cold

Most Chihuahua dogs are extremely vulnerable to cold weather and require extra care when the temperature drops.

But not all Chihuahuas are vulnerable to cold. I live in the North. My Chihuahua survives such cold weather with just a sweater and boots.

However, they require much more care and exercise in cold seasons. It is advisable that if you live in a place where it is usually cold, you do not go for Chihuahua. It can be risky. But yes, not every Chihuahua is vulnerable to cold!!

Cons 4: Chihuahuas are Vocal

If you live in an apartment with sound restrictions, Chihuahuas are not for you. They are extremely vocal and always want to announce their presence. They bark and growl at other dogs and people.

For me, My Chihuahua always growls at unknown people and barks at other dogs. He barks when he needs food and goes outside to play, and he barks when he gets frustrated. They are so vocal that sometimes they can be heard outside your apartment, which is bad. But with proper training, you can control your Chihuahuas’ vocals. 

Cons 5: Chihuahuas are Jealous

Chihuahuas are the most jealous and attention seekers. They will never allow their owner to give attention to others.

Chihuahuas can’t handle their temperament when they see you cuddling or playing with other dogs, even with humans. Therefore, early socialization is important for Chihuahuas. But, don’t choose dog parks for socialization training. It might get worse.

Explore: Why Chihuahuas and Dog Parks Don’t Mix.

For instance, I was cuddling with my neighbor’s Labrador. My Chihuahua saw that and immediately barked at the Labrador jump, jumped to my lap, and kissed me. This is the type of jealousy they are!

Cons 6: Chihuahuas are Risky With Children

Chihuahuas are tiny and known as a toy breed with big personalities. They are very temperamental, meaning they have mood swings often. Without any major reason, they get frustrated and become aggressive.

Children who do not know how to play with such small creatures are not advised to play with a Chihuahua. Children tend to mock Chihuahuas for their toy size and other things, which frustrates the Chihuahua. Also, many children unwillingly hurt Chihuahuas, and as a result, the Chihuahua barks and growls at the Child. Sometimes, they bite.

Therefore, if you have younger children in the house, Don’t go for a Chihuahua. However, with proper training and socialization, they will behave friendly with Children, too, but in the early days, this is unlikely to happen.

Cons 7: Chihuahuas are Temperamental

Chihuahuas are known for being temperamental, meaning they have several mood swings. No one can predict their moods. They always get bothered and frustrated due to simple issues and get aggressive by the time.

For example, last Sunday, I was playing with my Chihuahua. Everything was going smoothly, but while cuddling, I was staring at my mom, and Chihuahua got frustrated and started growling at my mom.

It is essential to manage their temperament. For that, they need to feel safe in their surroundings.


After exploring the mentioned Pros and Cons, you can judge Chihuahuas. What kind of dog is needed varies from person to person. Everyone has different scenarios and surroundings, so choose wisely.

From my point of view, you should own them if you can promise long-term companionship. Chihuahuas are prone to health issues, so they require extra care compared to other large breeds. And yes, they are the most loving breeds, and they can die for their owner.

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