Pads Of Paw

Why Does My Dog Sleep On My Clothes and Techniques to Break?

Are they experienced that your dog is sleeping on your clothes? It is very adorable and confusing. However, there is hardly anything to worry about. Some dog breeds, such as Chihuahuas, have the trait of sleeping on clothes. Others are just sleeping for some reason.

In this blog, we will address the question Why Does My Dog Sleep On My Clothes?

Why Does My Dog Sleep On My Clothes?

Reason 1: Your Clothes Smell Like You

It’s widespread for your clothes to smell like you. Dogs experience and explore the world with their sense of smell. According to Purina, dogs’ sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times better than ours. 

Your dog stores your smell in his mind, and whenever he finds that smell, he becomes happy and feels like you are with him. So, generally, your dog will discover that smell on your clothes, and he will try to get close to the scent. That is why your dog may sleep on your clothes.

Reason 2: Loneliness and Boredom 

When we leave our dog alone at home or when the dog feels bored with being in the house without mental stimulation and physical exercise, he may sleep on your clothes to feel like you are with him. 

Your smell will especially work as a mental stimulation for them and will help them feel less anxious.

Reason 3: Anxiety or Stress 

Dogs may feel anxious and stressed while changing in routine, loud noises, changes in the environment, or any harmful things you do to your dog without realizing it. 

When dogs feel anxious, they seek familiar scents and smells, such as the smell of your clothes, especially dirty clothes. They will feel less nervous and stress-free by sleeping in your clothes.

Reason 4: Seeking Attention 

Dogs always want to stay in touch with their beloved owner. They want to seek their owner’s attention in every way. They are sleeping on your clothes, which may be the way your dog has chosen.

In this situation, dogs want to cuddle and play with their owners, so you may want to do that, too. This will strengthen your bond with your dog. 

However, excessive attention-seeking is a behavioral issue, and you should address this problem through training. You can ignore him while he is sleeping or lying on your clothes to show that you are not giving him attention while he is sleeping on your clothes. 

Reason 5: Separation Anxiety 

If your dog lies on your clothes when you leave it alone in the house, it may be a sign of separation anxiety. Dogs with separation anxiety can show destructive behavior, such as barking, aggression and growling when left alone at home. 

If your dog has separation anxiety, he may sleep on your clothes while you are not with him. This will work as a source of comfort for your dog. 

Reason 6: Mimicking your Behavior 

Dogs are prone to mimicking their owners’ behavior because they assume their owner is their leader. If your dog sees you lying on your bed, in the laundry, or anywhere else, it may be inclined to do the same.

Reason 7: Medical Concerns 

In some rare cases, sleeping or lying on your clothes could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Skin infections, allergies, or hormonal imbalances are common health issues when your dog may choose to sleep on your clothes. 

If your dog shows signs of discomfort sleeping on your clothes, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian. 

Dog with Owner

How can I break the habit of a dog sleeping on my clothes? 

I don’t think there is anything wrong with this behavior. However, I can give you some techniques to break the habit of your dog sleeping on your clothes. 

Technique 1. Provide Alternative Comfort 

Provide your dog with alternative and more cozy and comfortable places to lie down, such as soft dog beds and blankets. To make it more comfortable, you should add familiar scents, toys and treats. This will encourage your dog to change his mind and break the habit.

Technique 2. Ignoring 

When you see your dog sleeping or lying on your clothes, you can ignore him until he changes the spot. 

But, do not give any treats for changing the spot because if you give treats, your dog may think that changing the place after lying on clothes can bring him treats.  

Thus, be patient and consistent with this technique.

Technique 3. Restrict Access 

Restrict your dog’s access to the place where he has been lying on the clothes. Take away the clothes from your dog’s reach to prevent easy access. 

Slowly, this approach will redirect your dog’s attention to other resting spots. 

Technique 4. Increase Physical and Mental Stimulation 

Make sure your dog receives enough physical exercise and mental stimulation. Sometimes, dogs feel bored and lonely due to their owner’s absence or lack of stimulation. 

Therefore, you should increase your physical and mental stimulation. If that was the reason for sleeping in your clothes, it should be solved easily. 

Technique 5. Behavioral Training 

You should give your dog obedience training and commands such as “Leave It” or “Off” to break the habit of sleeping on your clothes. 

Practice consistently, and don’t force your dog. Over time, your dog should break the habit. 


It is not a matter of worry at all. Some dog breeds have the traits to sleep on their owner’s clothes to overcome separation anxiety. However, it is essential to address the discomforts or potential health issues. If so, then contact the vet and monitor the behavioral changes. It will ensure you and your dog’s well-being and happy life.

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